Reflection on Rizq & Barakah

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ This is a reflection from a khutbah I attended today (3/17/17) by Imam Mohamed Abdul-Azeez, a prominent Islamic theologian, activist, medical doctor, political and social scientist from California. I'll do my best to keep this as short as possible by simply mentioning the topic and concepts covered by the Imam and … Continue reading Reflection on Rizq & Barakah

Let Me Tell You A Story

I always talk about the abuse people face at the hands of others, most often at the hands of their own family and friends, but a post online urged me to write something from a different and deeply personal perspective this time. The post is about an old woman in India whose son abandoned her … Continue reading Let Me Tell You A Story