To Love A Believer’s Soul

Imagine that you meet someone. You both get along marvelously, you share a similar ability to think, and you feel a bond between yourselves in a way that’s similar to twin stars forming the eyes of a constellation. The both of you forge an intimacy that’s purely spiritual in nature. So, they invite you into their home.

The home, though, is their heart. It’s in a shaded forest of behind a gate made of their rib cage, through the tall trees of their veins, and the door is the beating central ventricle of their heart. You walk into this small cabin in their chest and it’s a cozy little place with a fireplace and dining room and a bedroom. They take you around their home and you stare in amazement at how beautiful the simplicity is. They then take you deeper into the house and into a room within a room to show you that at the center of their heart rests this warm light of a special hue that describes them perfectly.

In the center of this light is a small table upon which rests a glass case with a crystal inside. This gem is where the light comes from. They pick it up and they say to you, “This belongs to Allah, yet I wish to share it with you.” And Allah is watching the both of you and you both know that He wishes for you to share it between yourselves, as well, as a part of His love, compassion and mercy for you both. You hold this light between your hands and look deeply within it with wonder at it’s sheer beauty.

How would you then take care of this precious light? You suddenly realize how sacred it is, how careful you must be, and you also understand that this is not yours to own. It is God’s, but He is allowing you to choose to become it’s caretaker on His behalf. So, you know that there is simply two choices for you to make: you either leave it where it belongs or you serve Him, by serving that person, by preserving that light, by taking care of that heart which is the home of their soul. How would you be with them then? What would you do for them? Where would you pay the closest attention to? When would you wake up to work for that light’s radiance? And why are you choosing that light to begin with?

Would you violate that light? Would you abandon that light? Would you use that light for yourself and then toss them aside to find another one? Or would you understand why Allah has placed the laws of love as the governor of souls? Would you keep yourself from damaging the house in which it lives and learn the meaning of purifying it? Would you protect that forest and realize why we are a people that pledge obedience to the power of goodness, whose name is al-Barr? And would you invite that person into your heart, as well, as a gesture of mutual respect, honesty, and loyalty?

Now imagine that you invited them to your heart. And they did the very same thing to you that you did with them: they marveled at your inner light, but, what you didn’t notice before is that you both share the same hue, something the two of you shared with nobody else in the world. This is why you both became spiritually intimate as souls in the first place. The two of you don’t look the same, your bodies aren’t nourished on the same class of wealth, and you’re not even from the same culture or nation or race, but you share the same color of light as each other’s souls. You are the twin halves of a greater light, together. So, what would the two of you do to take care of each other, so that the both of you may return to your true home with His Light, perhaps even with little lights created between yourselves?

What would you do if you discovered that true love for a believer was about the soul?

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